Sorry about the lack of movie reviews over two weeks, but as promised, i'm talking nothing but good movies all this week. Up next is writer/director P.T. Anderson's The Master , and then the black comedy Seven Psychopaths . Today, we start off with Ben Affleck's Argo . On November 4, 1979, 52 members of the American Embassy were taken hostage by Iranian militants and students of the Iranian Revolution, where the dictatorial Shah of Iran, Mohammad. Reza Pahavi was forced out by the new ruler Ruholla Khomeini and was given refuge on American shores. The demands were to hand over the despot ruler so that he may face Iranian justice for the numerous crimes he committed against the Iranian people The hostage situation; the anger and frustration both sides felt and experienced - Iranians feeling that the United States was covering for a heinous criminal; the United States angry at then-President Jimmy Carter's ineffectiveness to bring home U.S. citizens ...