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Showing posts from June, 2016

Familiarity Breeds Contempt

From 20th Century Fox, the studio that brought you Wolverine & the  X-Men ;  Hugh Jackman & the X-Men Too ; That One X-Men Movie Everyone and Their Mother Hated ; Hugh Jackman & The Shitty Wolverine Origin Story That Fucked Up Deadpool So We Had to Reboot It Again ; The Better, Darker Wolverine Movie ; The Reboot X-Men Movie Where Logan Told James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender to Fuck Off ; Wolverine Goes Back In Time To Save the Future ; Ryan Reynolds: The Second Coming of Hugh Jackman When He Hangs Up the Claws ; and this year's Academy Award-winning feature, Fucked By a Bear: Leo DiCaprio Wants an Oscar Really, Really Bad , comes this summer's anticipated superhero team... X-Men: The Greatest Hits! Yeah, there's some new stuff with some blue guy named Apocalypse who wants to destroy the world because the script says so, but who wants new stuff when we can rehash all the best bits from around the course of the half-dozen or so movies from the franc...